We've just released some cool new features and a new PRO membership, inspired both by our users' feedback and our team.

1 Improved Color Palette
We've added new trendy colors to the color palette of the text objects (Textbox and Callout). You can also use your custom colors by providing their color codes (e.g. #ff5500). The latest 4 custom colors will be remembered throughout the demo and in the new demos (if created from the same browser).
2 Copy/Paste
You can now copy/paste any object in your demo (Textbox, Callout, Hotspot, etc.). This feature makes it easier to have the same look and feel throughout the demo.
3 Demos for PC & Mac Apps
You can now create demos, tutorials and simulations for PC & Mac Apps, or any other platform/mobile device which is not in the list. You can also use this option if you want to embed the demo without a frame or using your own frame.

4 Improved Analytics
Both analytics reports Demo Views & Interaction Flow have been added a time frame. The Interaction Flow has been extended with the number of drop-offs for every screen.
5 Empty Screenshot
You can now add "empty" screens (white or any other color) to your demos. This is a great feature for mock-ups. If you want to demo on app idea, just add an empty screen to your demo and use the fully configurable Textbox to mock text areas and buttons.
6 Improved Lead & Feedback Capture
You can now specify the email recipients where the new leads should be sent or disable the email notifications. All captured leads & feedback can be now viewed on AppDemoStore for any desired time frame (last week, month, custom). You can easily export the leads & feedback to Excel by using Copy/Paste.